We do things that move brands forward
be mediàtic is a boutique communications agency specialising in marketing services. We offer super marketing powers for companies, institutions and personalities.

content marketing
marketing b2b
performance marketing
public relations
art direction
web design
service marketing
press agency
social media
connect brands with people, on screen and on paper.
Uncertainty as a starting point. Markets do not take off because they are volatile. Unlearn and de-globalise to live in a better world. Greener and more lilac. Technology shortens the path. Data guides our compass. We navigate between currents of opinion. We weave meaningful networks. We conceive brands with body and soul. And we communicate by existing.
Marketing is no longer the preserve of large companies. It doesn’t matter how big our clients are. But we like to measure everything. That’s why we bring together the whole world of creativity and data to create omnichannel communication campaigns.
Our loved clients
creativity is our principle
We believe that adapting is not the same as changing, that moving forward is not synonymous with moving away that renewing ourselves does not mean renouncing our origins, to be who we really are.
We are a boutique agency in Barcelona that speaks your language. We specialise in marketing services; in creating meaningful brands; in setting visionary strategies; in being part of your team; in viralising content; in spreading our creativity and creating inspirational messages; in creating experiences that transcend into the beyond. But, above all, we have come to give you a hand to help you increase your sales and build customer loyalty.
Venim d’on venim i som com som. De la passió de Gaudí, a la bogeria de Dalí. De la vaca cega de Maragall a la plàstica de Brossa. Del Boig per tu de Sau al ben d’hora, ben d’hora de Guardiola. Del xup xup dels nostres fogons a l’esferificació de l’Adrià. Viure és una festa de diables i castellers. No s’hi val fer com en Monzó i preguntar-nos el perquè de tot plegat perquè venim d’on venim i anem cap al cel.
be mediàtic
be mediàtic
be mediàtic
be mediàtic