Join the change
digital with us
The digitization of a business has been considered a fundamental aspect to increase productivity and guarantee its permanence over time.
It’s not just about building a business, it’s about maintaining it.
The Digital Kit consists of an innovative initiative promoted by the Spanish Government through the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation. This aims to promote the digitization of self-employed, small and medium-sized companies.
Those interested will be able to opt for financial aid specifically intended to generate technological modernization. For example, the development of e-commerce, web pages, expanding visibility in social networks, business and analytical intelligence, process management or cyber security.

Can you opt for the Digital Kit?
Before submitting the application, SMEs or the self-employed must meet the following requirements:
Comply with the financial and cash limits that define the categories of companies.
Be registered and have the minimum length of service established by call.
Not to be considered a company in crisis.
Be aware of tax obligations and against Social Security.
Not be subject to a pending recovery order from the European Commission that has declared legal aid incompatible with the common market.
Not incur any of the prohibitions provided for in article 13.2 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies.
Do not exceed the aid limit.
How to request the Digital Kit
If you comply with the conditions established in the basis of the KIT Digital aid call, you will be able to have a digital voucher that will allow you to access digitization solutions.
Digital vouchers range between 2,000 – 12,000 Euros depending on the size of your company.
Beneficiary segment
Segment I. Small companies with between 10 and less than 50 employees
Segment II. Small companies or Microcompanies with between 3 and less than 10 employees
Segment III. Small companies or Micro-companies with between 1 and less than 3 employees and self-employed people
Categories of Digital Kit solutions
The categories of solutions in which we can help you from our digital marketing agency are:

Website and Internet presence
Creation of a web page and/or the provision of services that provide web positioning (SEO) on the Internet.
– Control
– Hosting
– Web design
– Web Responsive
– accessibility
– Basic internet positioning
– Self-managing
– Optimization of presence in search engines
From €1,950
Maximum aid €2,000, according to segment of number of employees:
0 < 3 : 2.000€
3 < 9 : 2.000€
10 < 50 : 2.000€

Management of social networks
Promote the company through social networks related to its audience.
– Social Media Strategy
– Social Media Plan
– Management of social networks
– Publication of weekly posts
– Monitoring of social networks
– Social Media Audit
From €350 / month
Maximum aid €2,500, according to segment of number of employees:
0 < 3 : 2.000€
3 < 9 : 2.500€
10 < 50 : 2.500€

Business Intelligence and analytics
Enable the exploitation of your company’s data to improve the decision-making process.
– Analyzes
– Advice and parameterization of the data architecture for the implementation of the BI tool and reporting
From €8,500 / year
Maximum aid €4,000, according to segment of number of employees:
0 < 3 : 2.000€
3 < 9 : 2.000€
10 < 50 : 4.000€
Accelerate, innovate!
The KIT Digital is a great opportunity to accelerate and innovate in your business proposal.
If you are a small or medium-sized company or a freelancer and you need to improve the digitization and digital skills of your employees, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or want more information.
Contact us!