Càtering Cantábrico is a school catering company with more than 45 years of history. It is a catering based on Mediterranean cuisine, where they prepare all the dishes in a traditional way, just as our grandmothers did.
They have facilities equipped with the latest cooking, preservation and food handling technologies, but they do not want to give up the cuisine of their beginnings with natural and healthy ingredients.
Web design

For Cantábrico, it is as important to know where each of its ingredients comes from as it is to know that wherever its dishes go, they will be enjoyed with the enthusiasm of each child waiting for them at the table.
Under the brand’s slogan “as natural as at home”, the logo has been redesigned keeping the apple as the main symbol of catering, simplifying it with a handmade gesture that represents the main value of the brand: craftsmanship and tradition.

The set of elements that make up the visual identity of Càtering Cantábrico, as well as the chromatic range chosen, seek to reflect its way of doing things: quality, simplicity and proximity.
An audiovisual piece with voice-over has been created as a presentation of the new brand in the middle of a pandemic. Under the creative concept of “grandma’s kitchen”, the aim is to communicate the values of Càtering Cantábrico through the voice of the protagonists: the little ones.
Web page
The website has been redesigned, with a new structure based on the brand’s creative discourse and using storytelling as a differentiating element.
This is a declaration of intentions in which the aim is to be transparent and show customers the recipe of Càtering Cantábrico under the concept “we open our kitchen to you”.

With the best product as the first course, communicating the importance of the quality of the ingredients, it shows the basis of the brand’s recipe: natural, organic and seasonal. For the second course, we have the traditional preparation, as Càtering Cantábrico cooks food the way it has always been cooked: traditional and slow-cooked. And to finish the menu, the maximum commitment as desserts, reflecting the special treatment and personalised attention they give to each of their customers. Because Càtering Cantábrico is synonymous with enthusiasm, health and pleasure.